The Huffington Post.Passengers at first did not realize anything was amiss, said Han Weichun, who was seated near the back of the bus. ‘We heard an almighty crash but thought it might be an accident involving other vehicles,’ Han told China Daily. ‘Our bus pulled over gently before Wu turned around toward us, looking pale and sweating. He opened the door, told us to be careful and then went silent.’ Passengers carried the mortally wounded Wu to a more comfortable seat and called police. Wu was taken to the hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries on June 1, four days after the freak accident in the city of Wuxi in Jiangsu province, China. Doctor Zheng Fang said he was astonished that Wu was able to ensure his passengers’ safety after the accident, considering his grave condition. A bus driver in China has been hailed as a hero for saving the lives of 24 passengers after being fatally injured by a piece of iron debris that smashed through the windshield. Despite being in obvious pain, 48-year-old Wu Bin hit the brakes, shifted gears, turned the hazard lights on and was able to tell his passengers not to wander onto the highway on May 29. Dramatic security camera footage broadcast on Sunday on state television showed the deadly chunk of iron hitting Wu in the arms and abdomen, and his calm handling of the situation, according to

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